
  • Photographer
    Yana Vasilyeva
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph

The world is water stressed due to population and economic growth. By 2050, about 40% of the world's population will live in harsh conditions of water scarcity. Some countries may run dry; others will continue face chronic freshwater shortages. Along with the approaching 'world of thirst' - dramatic climate changes follow (sea level rises as ice melts). Water is the beauty, power and life - by wasting/polluting less, reusing more, becoming more efficient in all uses of water – individual, collective, agricultural and industrial – we can reduce water stress. Human and water... water around us... What will happen to a person deprived of water? How will the human cell evolve? The model, Anna, was born in the dry part of the Eurasian Steppe with practically no water, after moving near the Black Sea - she reconsidered this precious recourse and importance of having an access to clean, reliable water.

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