
  • Photographer
    Saman Majd
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

I came across these mannequin parts in the basement and was struck by their expressiveness. I imagined them living in the dark, finding comfort in each other’s presence.


I came across these mannequin parts in the basement and was struck by their expressiveness. I imagined them living in the dark, finding comfort in each other’s presence…

Thrown together in the dark basement, Mary and Sarah are an unlikely couple, sometimes close, often distant. Mary is a beautiful young mannequin. Her most striking feature is her elegant long neck. Sarah often feels self-conscious when Mary poses with her neck shown to advantage, but she has a wig, all that is left of her scattered parts. Mary yearns for a wig, and sometimes Sarah lets her try it on. Other times Mary will put one of her arms next to Sarah who, for a brief moment, feels whole.

Mary has hopes that she will once again pose in public. She tells Sarah that she will take her with her, to model wigs. But Sarah knows that nobody buys wigs anymore. She doesn’t like it when Mary talks about the future.

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