Sit silently

  • Photographer
    Katrina Kepule
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    freelance photographer
  • Date of Photograph
    2011 september
  • Technical Info
    Analogue photo/Canon EOS 3000

The picture (in the category PERCEPTION and PLACE) is from the series “Sit silently” that explores areas in time and space, where I trie to take a rest from the necessity to leave an impression, "to be an image or object" myself. Pictures capture author's urge for a slower time zone that implies more vivid and open self-expressions, as well as a sense of home and integrity of daily routines beyond the usual urban experience. This project is an author's journey of recreation and looking for her own (Latvian) identity or core, while admiring peripheral moments with their own significance, values and feeling. The title of the series is an abbreviation of a piece from so called "Google Poetics" and consists of phrases that are popularly searched on the Internet and are associated with the concept of sitting: "Sit silently /sit silently doing nothing / we sit silently and watch the world / we sit silently and watch." Home symbolises for me a personal space of calm where you will be required neither to fight for an external glory, nor to survive public losses. When entering one of these multi-layered islands of safety, especially after a longer absence, I feel with the click of my camera shutter I am re-affirming my belonging in the world. It is like finding the true reflection of my face in the bathroom mirror again; and is a platform to remember and redefine the path that was once important for me.

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