Little Boxes

  • Photographer
    Adam Elstein
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Adam Elstein Photography
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Digital Pigment Prints

These photographs were made in the Westlake suburb of Daly City, CA. Westlake is the quasi-utopian (and initially racist) tract development, "made in different colors all out of ticky tacky" that Malvina Reynolds loathed and satirized in her 1962 protest song "Little Boxes". The project documents what has become of Westlake's mid 20th century conformist utopia today by creating a photographic catalogue of its currently existing conditions. It imposes a strict visual discipline in order to explore the nature of desire--the desire for individuality and simultaneous need to conform--and how desire can be physically projected into the space of dwelling.

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