Waste Decontrol

  • Photographer
    Fernanda AL-Ram
  • Company/Studios
    Jugular Filmes
  • Date of Photograph
    16 - 20 December, 2015
  • Technical Info
    fuji ex-2/canon 6d

On November 5th, an iron waste dam has ruptured and contaminated over 500Km of soil and killed Rio Doce, one of the most important rivers in Brazil, and also Rio Gualacho, not mentioning its affluents. Families were displaced from once they used to farm. Contamination extended to the ocean as well. These photographs are intended to show the consequences of the event.


On November 5th, an iron waste dam has ruptured and contaminated over 500Km of soil and killed Rio Doce, one of the most important rivers in Brazil, and also Rio Gualacho, not mentioning its affluents. Families were displaced from once they used to farm. Contamination extended to the ocean as well. These photographs are intended to show the consequences of the event.

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