Peñalosa's Inferno

  • Photographer
    Tomas Ayuso
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    May 31st, 2016
  • Technical Info
    1/125 f/ 8.0, iso 100.

A police officer is flocked by pigeons after clearing out Colombia's largest open air drug market known as El Bronx. Bogota's mayor, Enrique Peñalosa, previously cleared a similar enclave, known as El Cartucho, 17 years ago. The city-within-a-city dynamics resulted in the swarming police action in which thousands of police officers participated. Torture chambers, underage brothels, specialized drug markets and other nefarious abodes were discovered in the process. Now Bogota struggles with the population of homeless people displaced that have been left in the wake. Bogotans have been shocked by the horrors found in the Bronx, blaming themselves for tolerating it for so long, but also levying blame on Peñalosa for causing the hellish Bronx to exist in the first place.

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