You Are My Twin

  • Photographer
    Kristina Varaksina
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Kristina Varaksina
  • Date of Photograph
    September 2015

You Are My Twin is a psychological study of the relationship between twins. Intertwined with surrealist props and metaphors, this photographic series charts the emotions and experiences between these inextricably linked individuals through four narrative based works. Growing up as a middle child with two siblings, one eight years older and one eight years younger, my childhood was rather solitary. With a curious mind, my thoughts would dwell on how it may feel to have a twin. Latterly, observing twins among friends I'm struck by the strong bond between them - whether it’s taking care of each other or having a sense of the other while separated by a great distance. Often twins can be considered as a single entity, whereas certain twins choose different paths in order to develop an individual identity. It is through the exploration of these ideas I seek to illustrate aspects of this complex relationship.

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