Frenetic City

  • Photographer
    Zhou Han Shun
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph

To say life moves fast in a city is an understatement. From daily commuting to eating lunches to causal conversations, people go through life in an uncompromising and chaotic pace. Everyone from the rich to the poor, the fortunate and the unfortunate, the young and the old – moves through the city like a chaotic mass, overcoming and absorbing anything in their path. Time in the city seem to flow quicker, memories in the city tend to fade away faster. Nothing seems to stand still in a city. With a population of over 7 million and less than 25% of land developed, this makes Hong Kong one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Confronted by the lack of both mental and physical space in this tiny environment, this project attempts to capture the unforgiving way of life in this city.

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