I Am Papua New Guinea

  • Photographer
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Sandro Productions
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Digital Photograph

This is a work in progress for a new book to be published by Glitterati. PNG is one of the world’s least explored lands both culturally and geographically. 40 years ago Papua New Guinea was freed from being under Australia’s rule. The second largest Island in the world with over 852 languages spoken and over 1000 different tribes thru the country and remains still old in it’s values and rituals. Indigenous tribes roam the island practicing rituals hundreds of years old from their ancestral descendants. I have been traveling the Country doing portrait in make shift studios able to control the lighting and bring a classic portraiture style from a lineage of people that have never experienced this style of documentation. Inspired by Irving Penn the project will consist of over 250 portraits of Tribes and city dwellers particularly the notorious horrific gang “The Raskols” known for their extreme violent mannerism.

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