Mo-se and Joney in the River: Best Friends at an Orphanage

  • Photographer
    Natalia del Rio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    June 2016
  • Technical Info
    Canon EOS 7D

THAILAND- Living in an orphanage together, Mo-se and Joney have become best friends. To pass their days, they play in the river at the back of the orphanage as it is one of the only past-times in their village. Mo-se and Joney possess a strong, brotherly love despite the absence of family. After a long day at school the kids jump into the water to cool off and play. The rivers' current compels Mo-se to save his best friend from its pull. Despite its' dangers, the river in its' utter simplicity, symbolizes life- strengthening their bond and love for each other. Like every childhood friendship that blossoms, they too grow, experiencing each moment of life together as they share their vast emotions of fear, curiosity, courage, and sheer happiness. As the river flows through life in search for its' larger self, it has allowed Mo-se and Joney to find each other.

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