The twilight road

  • Photographer
    Anirban Mandal
  • Company/Studios
    Anirban Mandal Photography
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D810, Sony a7r

The twilight road of this series would take you to the lives of aged people I have seen while walking on the streets of India with my camera, who are far from affluent. They are still working, begging or living alone in a deserted shelter as a dependent on charity. An old local tailor, a woman who has to beg even in her last phase of life, a fragile old man ironing clothes in street and the 93 years old lady living alone in a small old home running under charity, An aged lady staring at the fire left in Ganges ghat after the evening prayer...I found none of them complaining while walking on the twilight roads of their lives.


The twilight road of this series would take you to the lives of aged people I have seen while walking on the streets of India with my camera, who are far from affluent. They are still working, begging or living alone in a deserted shelter as a dependent on charity. An old local tailor, a woman who has to beg even in her last phase of life, a fragile old man ironing clothes in street and the 93 years old lady living alone in a small old home running under charity, An aged lady staring at the fire left in Ganges ghat after the evening prayer...I found none of them complaining while walking on the twilight roads of their lives.

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