Srebrenica Massacre

  • Photographer
    Michael Leja
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Red Tree Michal Leja
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    iPhone 6

Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina In 1991 in Srebrenica, there lived 37 213 people, of which nearly 73% were Bosnian Muslims and 25% Serbs. During the Serb invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995) Srebrenica became UN-supervised security zone that supposes to shelter thousands of Muslims from surrounding areas controlled by the Serbs.The surrounding enclave was to defend the Dutch UNPROFOR unit. July 9, 1995, The Serbs launched an assault on the city. The Dutch branch did not take any defensive action, and the entire population of the town was in the hands of the Serbs now...


In 1991 in Srebrenica, there lived 37 213 people, of which nearly 73% were Bosnian Muslims and 25% Serbs.
During the Serb invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995) Srebrenica became UN-supervised security zone that supposes to shelter thousands of Muslims from surrounding areas controlled by the Serbs.The surrounding enclave was to defend the Dutch UNPROFOR unit. July 9, 1995, The Serbs launched an assault on the city. The Dutch branch did not take any defensive action, and the entire population of the town was in the hands of the Serbs now.
The Dutch, having strictly defined and very stingy UN mandate, were not able to defend the enclave effectively.
This led to the concentration of the population, separation of women from men and finally to the greatest crime in the history of post-war Europe...
1. Burned house in Srebrenica.
2. Buses used for transporting men to execution places were lent from local villages.
During the evacuation of women to local areas controlled by Bosniaks, local buses were used as carriers. Men were taken to the places of execution with the same coaches.
3. The road from Srebrenica to Potocari.
4. Battery factory warehouse in Potocari. Area, where men were gathered before moving them to places of execution. The funeral processions with the coffins of people exhumed from the mass graves of the Srebrenica genocide are moving to the nearby cemetery from here.
5. A woman counts members of Hasanovic family. There are 311 of them.
6. Exhumations and identification of victims are still ongoing. Every year, on the anniversary of the commencement of the massacre buried in the graves, there are several dozen bodies...

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