Auckland: Outside Inversed. A camera obscura time-lapse project.

  • Photographer
    Stephen Patience
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Stephen Patience Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    April 2017
  • Technical Info
    This time-lapse was shot with varying exposures and intervals, depending on the scene.
  • Moving Link

The subject of light and an image projected through a pinhole has always fascinated me. Camera obscura does just that where the outside is inverted and projected onto a wall. This timelapse was filmed in a small apartment overlooking the Auckland Central Motorway Junction. The Auckland Skytower is a unique city icon and a perfect backdrop to an early morning sunrise over the city. After shielding out all light, a small pinhole plate was used to bring the same scene back inside the room. The shoot was not without its issues, however I am pleased with the result overall.

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