Desert Days

  • Photographer
    Mrvitze Bakovic
  • Company/Studios
    Robertsbridge Photo Studio
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec, ISO: 160, Aperture: f/16, Sensor Type: Cropped

Desert Days The air was burning; bees and birds were knackered, while the flowers and plants seemed to melt into each other, displaying fragments of a paranoid world. My imagination took me on a wild journey to the theatrical dualities in this fantastic world. The stories and the intrigues, the music and the dance, the love and the drama, the loss and the hope. This collection features an eclectic amalgam of native and far away flowers and plants co-existing in Britain. Combination of ambient light & flash, sometimes ND filters. Colour graded in Lightroom. FujiX100V.

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