Black Horse Camp : Afghans in exil

  • Photographer
    Matthieu Alexandre
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Full frame 24x36, iso 320, 2.8, 1/1500, 28 mm

(France) In the early hours of the morning, Afghans in exile in Pantin, eastern Paris, wake up awaiting a police operation to take them to safety after a stay for some of them of 104 days in the so-called "Black Horse" camp, named after the adjacent hotel. On 11 May 2022, the 300 Afghans who arrived in the winter of 2021 were moved to safety across the country. The camp was closed to prevent any further settlement. This is without taking into account those who returned a few hours later, mostly due to their Dublin status. But volunteers from the neighborhood are always there to welcome them.

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