backlit critters

  • Photographer
    Adalbert Mojrzisch
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon EOS M6 Mark II; Raynox DCR-150; Nikon Plan Apo 20x/0.75; Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 2x,5x,10x,20x,50x

Backlit Critters Small inconspicuous, mostly grey insects, spiders and crabs show many colours and interesting structures under high magnification and polarized backlight. All photos were taken with the self-made setup. They are high resolution photos taken with microscope objectives, stacked and stitched together. The images were processed with software for raw processing, stacking and retouching. Water flea, pol. Copepod bicolor, pol. Brine shrimp, oblique Jumping spider, backl. Varroa mite, oblique Box sucker, pol. Red mite, pol. Head louse, oblique Ant, backl. Hard-bodied tick, oblique

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