
  • Photographer
    Lothar Troeller
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Mix of SmartPhone, DSLR, Medium Format

Living in the East Village of New York I’ve been watching Trump’s image appear on buildings in many forms, as his identity in the public unfolds and is resisted. These images reflect powerful nuances that photography can reveal through street art and graffiti that catch the public’s attention. This work gives viewers a place to position themselves as they explore my investigation of America’s president. Street art is controversial, and the streets serve as a mirror on society. Capturing the color, mystery of everyday marks on the walls I speak for the voices found in my neighborhood.


Living in the East Village of New York I’ve been watching Trump’s image appear on buildings in many forms, as his identity in the public unfolds and is resisted. These images reflect powerful nuances that photography can reveal through street art and graffiti that catch the public’s attention. This work gives viewers a place to position themselves as they explore my investigation of America’s president. Street art is controversial, and the streets serve as a mirror on society. Capturing the color, mystery of everyday marks on the walls I speak for the voices found in my neighborhood.
With the Mueller probe coming to an end, the public discussion will continue with more intensity, and this street discussion about our president reveals the true perception of Trump on my streets of a major capital. These pictures show the horrific reaction of people in my neighborhood and become a valued significant truth of what America wants. Micro-section can be seen and read in the way they react to his picture.

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