Southern Milky Way over Camel Rock

  • Photographer
    Lucy Yunxi Hu
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • University/School
    Australian National University (ANU)
  • Date of Photograph
    January 14th 2023
  • Technical Info
    15s x 35, 10s x 11, 30s x 1, 3.2s x 1. ISO 200, 400, 1600. F/1.4, F/1.6, F/11. Full frame sensor.

This image was taken from Camel Rock, South Coast, Australia. captures the southern Milky Way arcing above Camel Rock. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are visible in the top right corner, with the town of Bermagui nestled in the middle right. From the left, the soft glow of airglow is also discernible. The foreground was photographed during the blue hour, and the sky parts were stacked from each position to construct the panorama.

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