The Kung Fu Nuns of the Himalayas

  • Photographer
    Nadja Wohlleben
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon 5D Mark VI, Canon EW 35mm 1.4, Canon EOS 50mm 1.2

THE KUNG FU NUNS OF THE HIMALAYAS. Fighting to empower young Indian females In July 2019, the Kung Fu Nuns of the Buddhist Drukpa lineage held their third annual 7-day self-defense workshop for local females in Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Each morning at 5am, 38 females aged between 6-27 years got up at the Naropa Photang nunnery to follow a strict routine, beginning with the first of three daily 2-hour Kung Fu trainings at 5:30am. Aimed at helping young girls build confidence and physical strength, the workshop entails intensive martial arts and self-defense exercise.

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