The Natural Elements with their Platonic Solids

  • Photographer
    Andrea HPaulin
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • University/School
    Instituto Del Tecnologico De Monterrey
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    ƒ/3.8, ISO 280, 1/60, Nikon D5600

According to Philosopher Plato, it exists five regular polygons which are called as the Platonic Solids. They are geometric solids whose faces are all identical polygons meeting at the same three-dimensional angles. Plato associated each one of them with the five natural elements as he believe the solids represent their atomic form. Fire-tetrahedra. Water-Icosahedra. Air-Octahedra. Earth-Cubes. Celestial Realm-Dodecahedra. In this series, we can embrace the magical appreciation of each one of them. Let your mind sink in the beautiful world where art and mathematics encounters.

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