Timkat - The Coptic Ethiopian Epiphany

  • Photographer
    Roberto Scordino
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Date of Photograph
    01/19/2020 - 01/20/2020
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D750, lens 28mm f/1.8 - 85mm f/1.4

The 11th day of Terr in the Ethiopian calendar, 01/20/2020, is celebrated the Timkat which for the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church recalls the baptism of Christ. This festival is best known for its ritual reenactment of baptism and the thousands of pilgrims that all around Ethiopia make processions chanting and dancing. The procession in the city of Bahir Dar ended in a church where the faithful stay praying till the next morning when, towards dawn, water taken from a pool, was blessed and sprinkled with pipes on the participants that so are symbolically renewing their baptismal vows.

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