Fully protected conversation on the top roof

  • Photographer
    Fernando Paramio Alamillo
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
  • Date of Photograph
    2 June 2020
  • Technical Info
    1/500s, ISO400, f/2.8, Full Frame (Canon EF USM IS II 300 mm f/2.8, 50.6 Mpix sensor)

[During the strict confinement in Spain (from 15/3 to 21/6), my balcony's usually lonely horizon offered many situations that reflected how we were coping with the pandemic times]. The media has been bombing us with terrifying news. At the peak of the obsessive fear, we have seen people driving with face masks, or like these two young girls, with gloves, which became common in Spain for some days as a general recommendation.

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