The Interim

  • Photographer
    Ann Ramsey
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Company/Studios
    Ann Ramsey Photography
  • Date of Photograph
    March 11, 2021
  • Technical Info
    Photoshop, Nik Collection Filters, Epson Scanner, Nikon D500

This image represents my life as a musician during the pandemic. Inspired by a 1910 photograph of Sadie Connor, Sadie homesteaded 320 acres up East Divide Creek where I live in Colorado. Living alone for 53 years, Sadie was cut off from any human contact during the long cold winter months, just as I have been cut off from seeing family and playing music with friends this past year. Like myself, Sadie also played the fiddle, so I pictured her holding my fiddle in the image. The dog biscuit in her other hand represents life without my dog who is now 14. The bluebird represents a sign of hope.

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