The Australian Ballet on the International Stage

  • Photographer
    Lisa Tomasetti
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    250, ISO 500, Aperture 6.3, Full frame

Employed as The Australian Ballets International Tour Photographer since 2006, I have documented the Companys tours to Paris, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, and Beijing; documenting behind the scenes moments, rehearsals, and performances of one of Australias principal performing arts companies. Over the years I developed a personal project of taking the dancers into the streets of the iconic cities we visited, juxtaposing their classical form with the gritty, urban landscape. This series (Beijing 2018) intends to capture the grace, energy and passion for movement embodied by the dancers.

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