Aftertaste: The Bitter Side of War

  • Photographer
    Petr Toman
  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    Canon 5D MIII, EF 35 f1.4 L

Former Soldier Jiří “Regi” Schams, 40, suffered severe injuries in 2008 from a human bomber attack in the Afghan Gereshk. Ever since, this former elite SOG unit member has been living with a schrapnel lodged in his brain, which badly damaged his ocular muscle, stability and coordination. Thanks to the unrelenting physiotherapeutic treatments, Regi’s condition has been getting better, however, it still prevents him from being self-reliant. He is learning how to speak and move all over again. Every motion requires his full concentration, as his brain is sending out the wrong motion control signals. And yet he believes that one day he will be able to walk and live on his own.

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