
  • Photographer
    Luca Marziale
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Technical Info
    Hasselblad 501c Film Camera

In this series, I try to capture rich textures, patterns and colours patiently waiting for the subtle moment when the soft lighting or harsh contrast defines the space, giving the images a sense of timeless solitude.
Photography is a medium that allows to translate and frame images by abstracting them from their present reality into a subliminal state. Most of the images are familiar yet retain a sense of mystery and personal detachment.
The passage of time, the slow workings of the natural elements and the relentless fight for life are essential aspects in most of my work, but as I move toward abstraction they serve to define a world where I can use my lens to paint my own reality. Texture and form are my testament to the tangible art of painting translated in the digital era. I seek to find overlooked moments, personal spaces that can define a state of natural rapture. Landscape as a tribute to a world that too often eludes us.

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