Gold eruption

  • Photographer
    Julia Wimmerlin
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Tang Jiongming The contrast of color and tone is strong, but the work is so harmonious. It is both realistic and freehand. Is a rare good work!

  • Date of Photograph
  • Technical Info
    1/80sec, F/8, ISO3200, full frame

Everyone who went up the Xianggong Hill, China, that morning was hoping to see a beautiful sunrise. Just as the sun started appearing through the cloudy sky the wind brought more clouds and the sun disappeared completely and all over sudden it started to rain. The rain was so strong that everyone had to hide under the only "roof" dug in the mountain to create a few "floors" to accommodate all the view lovers. Suddenly it felt like the river erupted with hot golden lava - the sun, invisible in the sky got reflected in this tiny part of the river. It only lasted for a few seconds

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